Zerust® is a leader and innovator in the development and manufacture or corrosion protection solutions, which are used across a wide range of industries and applications.
Zerust® is a leader and innovator in the development and manufacture or corrosion protection solutions, which are used across a wide range of industries and applications.
Zerust® Abrigo Kraft Paper is a high-quality industrial paper that emits VCI protection. It is strong, flexible, abrasion-proof and easy to use. Both sides provide effective VCI protection, and it can be used as individual packaging, intermediate layers or simply as a VCI diffuser.
Read moreZerust® VCI high quality industrial Crepe Paper is widespread in the metal-working industry, in particular for heavy parts. Available in rolls and sheets, Crepe Paper also provides a cushioning protection for the objects packed in it.
Read moreZerust® Abrigo Skin Board combines Zerust‘s proven corrosion protection with the advantages of skin packaging to protect metal surfaces against mechanical and corrosive influences. It also immobilises the product from the shocks experienced during shipping and handling.
Read moreAbrigo® Corrugated Cardboard is an anti-corrosion material based on corrugated cardboard, treated with a Zerust® Excor® VCI coating solution, integrated VCI active ingredients and contact inhibitors.
Read moreAbrigo® Crepe Paper combines the characteristics of crepe paper with the corrosion protection of Zerust® Excor®. Active corrosion chemistry bound in the crepe paper migrate into the air and metal surfaces to form a protective layer within the sealed crepe paper packaging.
Read moreAbrigo® Solid Board is an anti-corrosion material based on solid board, treated with a Zerust® Excor® VCI coating solution, integrated VCI active ingredients and contact inhibitors.
Read moreZerust Abrigo Corrosion Protection Paper combines the proven properties of a traditional packaging material with the known good corrosion protection action of Zerust for metals.
Abrigo is a first-class Kraft paper with solid usage properties. It is strong, flexible, abrasion-proof and easy to use. Both sides provide effective VCI protection and thus prevent application errors.
It is manufactured in accordance with a process patented for Zerust. A VCI coating is formed on all paper fibres across the entire paper cross-section. This layer contains the Zerust corrosion protection active substances and emits them in a regulated manner. In the process, the paper retains it’s packaging-specific properties. It does not rub off and is dry. The regulated emission of the corrosion protection active substances provides a definitely prolonged duration of action. The corrosion protection properties are in accordance with the requirements of TL-8135-0002, Level 3.
VCI Paper
The use of VCI crepe paper is widespread in the metal-working industry in particular for heavy parts. In some cases, VCI crepe papers are additionally coated with polyethylene.
As a result the creping of the paper, it’s tensile strength is increased and a high degree of pliancy is achieved. Additionally, a crepe paper provides a certain cushioning protection for the objects packed in it.
Basically, raw papers from 30 to 200 g/m2 can be processed for our Zerust Abrigo Corrosion Protection Crepe Paper. The degree of creping can be set from 5 to 150%. The degree of creping is the increase in the basis weight due to the crinkling (creping) expressed in percent. Crepe paper is delivered in rolls and sheets. Any type of rolls on a 76-mm core as well as narrow rolls with a 30-mm core are possible.
Attention: For sheet paper it is always important to stipulate the crepe direction by designating the side to which the creping should run parallel.
VCI Paper
Zerust Abrigo Skin board combines Zerust‘s proven corrosion protection with the advantages of skin packaging to protect metal surfaces against mechanical and corrosive influences.
In this context, Zerust corrosion protection is incorporated into the skin board and is released via the vapour phase in closed packaging systems. It is advisable to use a combination of Zerust Skin Film and Zerust Abrigo Skin boards because fibre boards without corrosion protection can promote corrosion on contact areas to bare metal surfaces.
Zerust Abrigo Skin board cannot be differentiated from uncoated fibre board and is abrasion-proof. In the skin process a very good and lasting adhesion is created between the skin film and the fibre board. Any irksome odour generation during the skin process is ruled out.
If the skin package is opened, the protective film vaporises without a trace from the metal surfaces in one to two hours.
VCI Films and Paper
When an Abrigo® Corrugated Cardboard package is sealed, VCIs are released into the enclosed space in an even concentration. They form an invisible adsorption film on the metal surfaces and provide effective protection against corrosion.
The corrosion protection works both in direct contact and via the vapor phase. When the package is opened, the inhibitors evaporate without leaving a residue.
Abrigo® Crepe Paper provides added cushioning protection to the items packed in it. When the Abrigo® Crepe Paper packaging is opened, the protective film evaporates from the metal surface without any residue within 1 to 2 hours.
It is non-slip, dry and protects against corrosion on both sides. In addition, through the gradual release of the active ingredients in doses, Abrigo® remains active over a considerably longer period.
Abrigo® Solid Board’s combination of dry, temporary corrosion protection using the VCI method and versatile design options of solid board saves the user from having to take additional anti-corrosion measures.
The active anti-corrosion ingredients bound in the Abrigo® Solid Board evaporate to form a gas in the sealed paper packaging and protect the metal surface. When the Abrigo® packaging is removed, the protective film evaporates from the metal surface within 1 to 2 hours without any residue.
Zerust UK Ltd
Meadowfield Avenue,
Green Lane Ind Estate,
County Durham, DL16 6YJ
Tel: 01388 420333
Fax: 01388 420777